Care Services

Getting the care you need starts with getting connected to the right people.

You know that you or someone you love needs care. Now what? We help connect those who need care with caregivers and solutions that are right for them with CareScout.

Where, how, and how much care you receive depends on what you need and what you can afford. Find out what the options are and which are right for you.

The cost of care varies by where, how, and how much care you receive. Find out the actual average cost of long term care where you live.

The best way to prepare for future long term care needs is to start talking about them now. Get tips on how to get the conversation going today.

Aging Simulations

It can be hard to understand what the physical challenges of aging look and feel like. We created simulations to help experience those issues firsthand.

Experience auditory impairments for yourself.

See what the world really looks like through older eyes.

Try your hand at simple tasks when your strength and motor skills are diminished.

FAMILY Stories

Learn about the empowering experiences of families addressing the long term care needs of their loved ones.

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